Therapists are great: what’s not to love about someone who will listen to you talk about your problems and concerns for an hour at a time, has only your best interests at heart, and wants to help you feel better? There are many times in your life when you should see a therapist.
When you’ve experienced a loss or after a breakup
Unfortunately, this experience is common to all humans: at some point in our lives we will lose someone we love, whether it’s a family member, friend, partner, or beloved pet. Grieving that loss can leave us with overwhelming and debilitating emotions. Choosing to see a therapist can be particularly helpful at these times. The end of a relationship or a marriage can also trigger feelings of grief, guilt, anger, sadness, shame, and fear. Talking with a therapist can help you learn to manage these feelings and move forward with the next phase of your life.
When you’ve experienced a trauma
After experiencing a trauma (a threat to your life or to your mental or physical health that overwhelms your coping ability) you may need therapy to deal with any psychological after-effects. It’s important to get help as soon as possible after the event, to avoid developing secondary issues. Seek out a therapist who is trained to deal specifically with trauma.
When you want to accept and love yourself
Many otherwise mentally healthy people suffer from low self-esteem, negative self-talk, or feelings of worthlessness. These conditions can stem from one’s upbringing, financial situation, or physical appearance, but whatever the cause, a qualified therapist can offer practical help to identify what’s standing between you and a happier life.
When you want to improve your marriage or relationship
A marriage doesn’t need to be in serious trouble to benefit from relationship counselling, for one or both partners. You might be generally happy, but have a recurring argument with your partner, or have trouble negotiating some aspect of your life together (like housework). Whatever the issue, a therapist can help you improve your relationship.
When you’re angry all the time
Anger can be healthy, but uncontrollable, constant, or overwhelming anger is certainly not—and it can hurt both you and those around you. Working with a therapist to dig into the reasons for your anger, and how to manage it better, can greatly improve your mood and overall quality of life.
When you feel sick all the time but the doctor can’t find anything wrong
Anxiety activates the body’s stress response, and constant anxiety puts your body on high alert all the time, which can cause symptoms like fainting, sweating, dizziness, and upset stomach. If you feel ill all the time, seeing a therapist to manage excessive anxiety might help alleviate those other symptoms as well. (If not, head back to the doctor!)
When you’re a person living in the world
Just being a human and existing in the modern world can be hard. Even if everything in your life is going well, and there are no big obvious problems, you might benefit from seeing a therapist to learn more about yourself, gain new coping skills and strategies, and check in with your emotions.